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Treading Water (Forgotten Soldier Book 2)

  Treading Water

  By Jessie G

  The mission of The Ramos Foundation is to honor our service men and women by providing a necessary support network to alleviate the various and, at times, overwhelming issues they may face when transitioning from military life.

  - The Forgotten Soldier Series

  Treading Water

  By Jessie G

  After devoting eighteen years of his life to the US Navy, Petty Officer First Class Shane Parker is struggling with the very real possibility of becoming unnecessary. If he doesn’t make Chief Petty Officer before his twenty—and it doesn’t seem likely that he will—he’ll be retired from active service and placed on the Fleet Reserve list until his mooring lines are officially cut forever. While it would all be very honorable and ceremonial, he simply wasn’t civilian material.

  Before even swearing-in, Julian Brand knew he wasn’t cut out to be a soldier, but refusing wasn’t an option. Generations of Brand man made careers in the military and the expectation of every Brand son was to follow in those prestigious footsteps. Though the prospect of being rolled back hindered his every step, he survived Battle Stations and did his time. Six years out of uniform and Julian still struggles to find familial acceptance as he fights to live life on his terms.

  On the surface, they couldn’t be more different, but when Jared Ramos calls, neither are capable of refusing. If they can find a way to work together, they might be able to save a friend and each other in the process.

  Other Books by Jessie G

  Sizzling Miami Series

  Past Hurts

  For a Reason

  The Protector

  Their Reason

  Safety in Numbers

  His Premier

  Deciding on Forever

  Devils Pride MC Series

  Tricking Chase

  Talk Dirty to Me

  Tys That Bind

  Forgotten Soldier Series

  Micah's Soldier

  Single Titles

  Brewing Up Trouble

  Treading Water

  Copyright © 2017 Jessie G


  Special thanks to

  Jessica McKenna, Literary Editor

  Andrew Reyna, Dynamic Craft Studios


  Published by: Jessie G Books Inc.

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, Jessie G Books, No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without permission from Jessie G Books.

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase on authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.

  Treading Water is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental. Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  Terms & Definitions

  Military Terms

  Waivered in – the process of joining the military if you’re in remission from cancer depends on the type of cancer and the length of remission. Waivers are granted on a case by case basis (Wikipedia*).

  F-35 – Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a single-seat, single-engine, all-weather stealth multirole fighter. It is a 5th Generation fighter, combining advanced stealth with fighter speed and agility, fully fused sensor information, network-enabled operations and advanced sustainment (Lockheed Martin*).

  Aircraft Carrier – Support aircraft that engage in attacks on airborne, afloat and ashore targets that threaten free use of the sea and engage in sustained power projection operations (US Navy*).

  DADT – Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was the official United States policy on military service by gays, bisexuals, and lesbians, instituted by the Clinton Administration on February 28, 1994, lasting until September 20, 2011 (Wikipedia*).

  Operation Save Haven and Safe Passage – Taking place between September of 1994 and March of 1995, this joint effort was meant to relieve the overcrowding at Guantanamo Bay. Over 10,000 refugees seeking asylum in the US were taken to camps in Panama where they awaited word of their fate. Riots broke out when news came that many would be returning to Guantanamo. Over 200 US Soldiers and 30 Cuban migrants were injured, and at least 2 Cuban refugees drowned in the Panama Canal in their attempt to flee the camps.

  Battle Stations (BST) – This 12-hour evaluation is the final test for Naval recruits. Upon successful completion of BST, they are given their official Navy cap and can make their “I’m a Sailor!” call.

  Medical Terms

  Rotator Cuff Surgery – Repairing a torn rotator cuff most often involves re-attaching the tendon to the head of the humerus/upper arm bone (Ortho Info at AAOS*).

  Thoracic Spine – The spine is divided up into five levels (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal) and the thoracic would be the twelve vertebrae of your upper back just below the cervical or neck vertebrae. Spinal injuries can be complete or incomplete, can affect one or both sides of the body, and the lower the damage the more function can be expected (Johns Hopkins*)

  Florida Attractions

  Fountain of Youth, Kennedy Space Center, Fantasy Fest, Seven Fish, Half Shell Raw Bar


  West Point, Veterans Affairs (VA), Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, Skype, Publix, Atlantis Exhibit, Kennedy Space Center, The Fountain of Youth

  Thank You

  This book was nearly complete when I realized I never named Julian’s B&B on Key West. I turned to the members of Jessie’s Garage for suggestions and the response was awesome. Thank you for always coming through and to Terri Hawk for suggesting the winner.

  I’d like to give a shout out to the wonderful beta readers who step up to read every new release. Denise, Jodi, and Linda, thank you for your support of my guys and your extraordinary attention to detail.

  To my patrons—Alysann, Denise, Natalie, Cheri, Anera, Kelly, Krista, Kathy, Laura, Wendy, Julia, Marty, Odin, Christina, Evette, and Michelle—who have invested in me as an author, I can only hope that what I give you is a tenth of the amazing gift you’ve given me.

  And to Evette—have I told you lately?

  Table of Contents

  Treading Water

  Treading Water

  Other Books by Jessie G

  Terms & Definitions

  Thank You

  The Ramos Foundation

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Search & Rescue

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Paying It Forward


  About the Charity

  About Jessie G

  The Ramos Foundation

  Chapter 1

  August 8, 2016 – Jared Ramos

  Jared stood in front of the double doors and stared at the name etched into the glass. The Ramos Foundation. How strange was that? He’d been so focused on doing the actual work that he hadn’t given any thought to how it should be formally organized. In fact, formal had never been his intention at all. The plan, if one could call it that, had been to assist returning vets on his own time using his own resources. That was all well and good until his friends found out and wanted to help.

  Unfortunately, he didn’t have the first clue what they could do until Micah Stills asked him to arrange a homecoming. As they talked about the number of soldiers who lived in shelters or worse, out on the street, Jared knew he had to do something. He didn’t know what was more heartbreaking—the soldier who had no home to return to or the one who had a loving family waiting for him, but was too afraid of what his own demons might do to them. Truth was, he could’ve been one of those soldiers if not for Bull and the Connors. It wasn’t something they actively spoke about, not then and not now, but helping others was his way of paying it forward.

  Still, the leap from informal gatherings of friends pitching in as needed to a formal non-profit organization took him completely unaware. It was never supposed to take over his work at the halfway house or, for that matter, his life, but Jared couldn’t find a single regret. This foundation was a legacy he hadn’t even known he wanted to leave and seeing his name etched in glass was the most surreal experience of his life.

  “Excuse me, is the office open yet?” Jared turned at the hushed voice and found himself face-to-face with all sorts of adorable. Windblown, huge eyes wide behind skewed glasses, and a dark blue bowtie. Yes, a bowtie. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, but I have an interview here and I don’t want to be late.”

  “An interview?” Jared parroted. “Here?”

  Owl Eyes blinked at him in confusion before a slow smile of understanding took over his whole face. “You must be Mr. Ramos. Mr. Bennett said you probably wouldn’t read his email.”

  Jared huffed at that and retrieved the keys Alaric had left for him at the security desk. “Wait here until I disengage the alarm.”

  Located on the street level of The Bennett Group building, the multi-room suite had supposedly been fully renovated by a previous tenant who then decided they needed more space. Jared wasn’t an expert on office leasing, but he was more inclined to believe Alaric had it redone to entice him into accepting his impossible-to-refuse offer. The self-contained area was more than he could possibly need and came free of charge for one year as he worked to get the foundation off the ground. Who would say no?

  Jared found the keypad, punched in the code, and then gestured for Bowtie to enter before turning to survey the space. The reception area was about the same size as the common area at the halfway house and contained a modern, multi-functional desk prominently in the center of the space. Comfortable looking chairs, end tables, and potted plants made up the perimeter and Jared could only wonder who Alaric thought would be waiting.

  “You look a little overwhelmed,” Bowtie murmured as he once again quietly took up residence at Jared’s side. The observation was surprising since most people would say he was the most serene person they’d ever known. He didn’t do overwhelmed, at least not outwardly—it just wasn’t his nature. “Have you been without a P.A. for long?”

  “A what now?” A weird ringing cut off his question and Jared looked back around toward the alarm panel. Had he incorrectly entered the code?

  “Uhm, that’s your phone.” Bowtie gestured to the desk, and when Jared just stared at the offending machine, reached over to lift the receiver. With a smile that was evident in his very professional telephone voice, Bowtie said, “Thank you for calling The Ramos Foundation. This is Aiden, how may I help you?”

  And how crazy was that?

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Malone, Mr. Ramos just walked through the door. Can I have him call you back when he gets settled or is this an emergency?” Aiden walked around the desk as he talked, rummaged through the top drawer for a pen and paper, and started jotting down notes. “I’ll let him know. Have a good day.”

  The receiver was eased back into the cradle with barely a click and Bowtie…err, Aiden, handed over the paper. “Mr. Malone says the seamen’s hot and ready whenever you are.”

  Jared felt the beginning of an eye twitch that only Ty could bring on and groaned. “He means…”

  “Navy, right?” Aiden chuckled and pushed up his glasses. “I’m aware of the terminology and what you do here. And that Mr. Malone was trying to get a rise out of the new guy.”

  Well, now, wasn’t that more interesting than Aiden reading him so easily. “Right on all accounts. So, what am I supposed to be interviewing you for?”

  “I was going with P.A., but if you prefer another term…”

  “I still don’t know what that means. Professional Assistant?”

  “Yes, I’m here to make the office run smoother and your life easier. So, professional, personal, office, executive…I’m here to assist you.” Aiden beamed and Jared briefly wondered if the guy was flirting with him, then immediately dismissed the idea. It was more likely that Aiden was trying to make a good impression on a potential employer and that over-eagerness coupled with a Ty innuendo had him seeing the impossible.

  Jared gestured to the doorway that he was sure led to his new private office and tried to act like he knew what he was doing. “Let’s go sit in my office and you can tell me why I need an assistant.”

  Aiden followed a step behind and settled into one of the matching chairs on the visitor’s side of the cherry wood desk. Though he immediately ducked down and started rifling through the messenger bag on his lap, Jared resisted the urge to stroke the surface. There’d be time enough after the interview to appreciate this opportunity he’d been given. The idea was his, but the ability to make it his sole focus was a gift from his friends that he would not squander.

  “Since you didn’t read Mr. Bennett’s email and weren’t expecting me, I thought you might like to start with my resume and letters of recommendation.”

  Jared took the small stack of papers and set them aside without looking at them. “I’m sure they’ll make for interesting reading later. You’re here now, so tell me everything I need to know.”

  “Right, well, let’s see.” Aiden pushed his glasses up again as he gathered his thoughts and Jared had to fight back a grin. Whether it was necessary or a nervous gesture, it only added to the adorable factor. “I studied psychology at West Point with the intention of following my brother into the Air Force. A year before graduation I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Thankfully, it was caught early and I’ve been in full remission for six years. My hope was to eventually get waivered in, but the treatment left my vision degraded, which made me completely ineligible for active service. I was able to finish my education and secured a civilian administrative job at the VA in New Jersey where I’ve been ever since.”

  The calm, matter of fact dissertation wasn’t long, but it packed quite the punch and Jared found himself curious to know more. “Miami’s a far cry from New Jersey. What brings you down here?”

  “The VA is underfunded, understaffed, and that makes it ineffective far too often. After battling my own health issues with my parents’ private insurance, watching our veterans jump through hoop after hoop, navigate miles of red tape, and still not get what they need…I couldn’t take it anymore.” All the emotion that was missing from Aiden’s previous statement was right there for Jared to hear and relate to. “I wa
s prepared to defend my country and was taken out of that fight through no fault of my own. When I started working for the VA, I was ready to fight for our service men and women, and having my hands tied by political posturing made me feel more helpless than cancer ever could.”

  For as long as he could remember, Jared believed that he was meant to help others and had recognized a kindred spirit in Bull. Though their methods had often intersected, they preferred action over words. Hearing that passion in Aiden’s voice was like having his own feelings expressed—both the desire to help and the frustration of being stonewalled by the supposed powers that be. That’s why working quietly under the radar was more effective. There was no one to answer to, no one to say they couldn’t, and the only limit was his willingness to do whatever it took.

  Now he was the boss, the man whose name was on the door, and his willingness had no limit. Unfortunately, willingness didn’t equal deep pockets and, kindred spirit or not, there was no way he could afford a guy as experienced or passionate as Aiden. “You remind me a lot of myself and I wish I could offer you a place to effect real change. But, to be completely honest, this is my first day as ‘The Ramos Foundation.’ There’s no funding for a full-time employee who needs to make a living. I’m sorry Ric wasted your time…”

  “Actually, I contacted Mr. Bennett.” Aiden shifted forward in his seat, expression eager. “Doctors estimate I’ll be fully blind within five years and sometimes I think they’re being generous with that guess. I’m not gonna pretend that the idea of waking up in total darkness doesn’t scare the crap out of me, but I’ve got time to prepare—to memorize the faces of my loved ones, to learn how to cope, and that’s an advantage our brothers and sisters in arms don’t get. I won’t let that stop me from doing whatever I can, but I only have a small window of opportunity to actually see the results and I’m really going to need those memories, Mr. Ramos. Please.”